Temazcal: Healing Ceremony of the Elements

An ancestral healing modality of rebirth shared by people’s of all continents.

Sweat lodge. Purification Ceremony. Medicine House. An integral piece of Amaroo Sanctuary is the integration of a traditional “sweat” - a purification ceremony and ancient ritual practiced by both North, Central and South Americans cultures for more than 1,000 years.

Jose Zambrano is a local Ecuadorian shaman who has studied with indigenous wisdom keepers for nearly 20 years. He is our holder of ceremony for the Temazcal, and guided the creation of this ancient healing portal with local maestros.

It takes a village. Our first Temezcal was built by the collective as an honor and induction to the land. We celebrated the elements of fire, water, earth, air and spirit. A true rebirth.


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