Our Founders Circle
The Warrior Sanctuary was founded with the support of Angel donors who not only saw the need for our existence, but also believed in our ability to embody our grand mission of creating wholeness on Earth.
In Sacred reciprocity, we have created the Founders Circle, with perks and benefits as a way to say thank you for the dedicated support. Depending on the level of support provided, benefits range from a one time, to an annual trip to Amaroo, our sanctuary in Ecuador.
If you are interested in becoming a part of this intimate family of Earth’s warriors, please see more details here, and email us directly to inquire on next steps.
The Warrior Sanctuary has been blessed to have the support of Galvan founders T. Eric Galloway and the late Henry van Ameringen from our inception. In fact, they were our seed supporter, the water that allowed our vision to materialize into a reality. Our mission and hearts are aligned with their long standing mission to support non-profit organizations and advocacy groups, fighting for equal rights, opportunities, and access for all.
Itzhak is our dear friend and internationally recognized shamanic healing practitioner and teacher of ours. He was instrumental in our first trip to Ecuador for our Sacred Union, and has been an active bridge and connector to the indigenous shamans of the Andes for over 20 years. It was also his inspiration for the design of the maloca and made a commitment to support TWS, Amaroo, and the mission to support the tribes of the Amazon.
Peter “Rumi” Babick
From the moment we met in Ecuador on a shamanic intensive training journey, we remembered our connection throughout lifetimes. Our big brother, Pete has supported TWS and Amaroo from day one, and accepted our offer to join our board, bringing his dedication of 25+ years in dentistry to spiritual consciousness. His mission is also to create a bridge for others to connect with indigenous wisdom, providing abundance for it to flourish.
Benny “Peace” Hoffman
Ben, CEO of cityHUNT, an organization focused on harnessing the power of mindfulness and positive psychology to support team building, joined the Circle and the board the winter of 2022. Ben has now shifted his focus on facilitating transformational experiences by bringing individuals to the jungle and Amaroo, in doing so supporting the indigenous tribes and wisdom of South America.
Shelley Clarke
Mother of Zai’ra, Shelley has been an instrumental and gracious supporter of TWS as a lending source to ensure that the Maloca construcion was possible in 2022 to accelerate our growth and ability to hold space for indigenous retreats in 2023. An example of sacred economics, her generosity has only been magnified by her own transformational journey to Amaroo in September 2022, which you can read here.
Nelson Zhu
Long time friend and colleague of Kanyini, Nelson has been a supporter of the mission of TWS from the inception of our vision of creating paradise on Earth, one breath at a time. Nelson recently joined the Founders Circle the end of 2022, while also taking a leap of faith into the jungle to meet the Siekopai and learn their traditions with Ecuadorian Shaman and Amaroo advisor, Jose Zambrano.