Sonic Reclamation
In the vibrant tapestry of life's sounds, those with Misophonia often find themselves overwhelmed, where each auditory stimulus feels like a thread pulling at the very fabric of their peace. Our unique 1:1 coaching sessions are designed to transform this experience, alchemizing the chaotic symphony of the everyday into a more harmonious & joyful existence.
The super sonic nature of Misophonia has the potential to be reshaped into a unique personal gift that elevates your every day. Through personalized journeys, earth element practices and ancestral Shamanic techniques, we go through a journey of sonic reclamation. Together, we'll explore ways to diminish the distress caused by overstimulating sounds, turning what can feel like an insurmountable challenge into a source of strength and tranquility.
The short answer: Unreasonable, illogical, unexplainable and potent reactions and emotional distress caused by specific sounds.
Low tolerance for pattern-based and repetitive sounds, regardless of loudness
Currently emerging as a new divergent way of the brain and officially classified as a “disorder”
No “known cures”
The good thing is, we’re here to Change, that notion of impossible, to expansive living.
My Story
If you read the above and said, “I don’t get it.” You probably don’t have this superpower, you have other super powers and that’s awesome.
Read on if you’re a “Misophone” or at least someone that is hyper sensitive to sound and looking to explore this fascinating human characteristic from a holistic healing point of view. If you’ve given up and believe the rhetoric of “incurable” , also please read on as I wonder if this page is for you.
After having lived 25 years with a condition that not only caused rage and terror in an instant, an auto-immune disorder developed and almost took over my life, my entire existence. After contemplating some “is it worth it to live my life like this” thoughts, it was time to get sovereign (not sober, but sovereign). From a shamanic perspective, I needed to retrieve parts of me that were lost and integrate them back into my being, into my soul.
It was time to dive into the cosmic imprint and understand the worldly impression of Misophonia. What IS Misophonia, what’s the meaning? Why is it IN me? I needed to explore alternative healing modalities for understanding Misophonia at the root.
The societal diagnosis of Misophonia has provided a certain type of liberation in that it’s acknowledged and it’s good to be seen. At the same time, this label has induced a flurry of research and forensics to usher us into the system of the Western Medicine way. The sooner they can diagnosis us, the sooner they can spoon feed us mind and heart numbing pills to function in this structured paradigm of dominance and control.
I strongly encourage that those of us that have been gifted with these ecstatically awakened senses, truly awaken. We grasp the consciousness of the deep remembrances that yes, are currently overwhelming in their stimulus. However this echoes the painful chambers of the chaotic world that surrounds us. The emphasis on violence, war, scarcity, nutrient deficiency and emotional turmoil that is our current society is amplified in our [misophonic] state of being. When we couple that with life’s lessons, our family matters and any other experiences that are human - yes, Misophonia can be crippling, disabling and disheartening.
My sonic awakening journey [Misophonia] started when I was 5 and the suffering that ensued was mine to hold and tenderly heal. There was a decision to be made at one point, either I would die, kill my cat or understand Misophonia so deeply, so profoundly, that it would become me. That one troubling thought, that one realization, changed everything. I found that for me, Misophonia was representing the great separation within me and outside of me. It was only through a union and alignment of the trinity - mind, body, & spirit - that allowed me to integrate a profound understanding of my inner workings and liberated a sovereign right to live joyfully, wildly and uncontained.
With many years of exploration of Shamanism, elemental wisdom, ancestral knowledge, plant medicinals (teas & others), sound bridging, yoga, meditation and numerous other tools- I finally am an expansive version of me. I studied myself and I remembered my soul purpose. I used to laugh about being an X-Men, that joke, became my proud reality. I now know exactly why my Misophonia is my super power and I no longer am suffering. I’m thriving. I’m living expansively and serving the greater consciousness of this entire planet. This is my passion - because I believe with every tether in my soul, in my being, that you too are here to serve a greater purpose because Misophonia is a call, an alarm clock. It’s time to wake up.
As dear sisters have started the “Freedom from Misophonia Project” - Yes, that’s me.
If you are interested in connecting, I’d love to schedule a call and hold deep space for listening and/or sharing.
If it feels right to embark on a deeper journey together, we can absolutely explore a path of partnership.
Let’s Work Together
Sonic Reclamation
As part of my journey of giving back to this beautiful community, I offer 1:1 holistic coaching practices to dive deeper into what Freedom from Misophonia looks like for you.
Through one-on-one sessions, we will dive deeper into the inner world of your Misophonia, the roots, the sadness, the joy and see how we can partner on the discovery of your soul’s purpose for coming into this world with such an extraordinary gift.
There are infinite tools we can explore - so the first step is scheduling a consultation call to see if we’re called to work together.
If we decide to move forward with any additional sessions, we can discuss what contribution ($) is possible for you and your financial currency situation. This work is done through a non-profit and my goal is sustainability and expansive living for anyone living with Misophonia.
Journey into the Inner Child
Ancestral Rememberance Journey
Sound Bridging with Self & Nature
Moving Meditation
Mantra & Visualization
Somatic Body Practices
Elemental Practices (working with our natural rhythms & nature’s cycle)
Re-Establishing connection with: Herbs, Teas, Tinctures (for the nervous system & beyond)
Zai’Ra’s Recommended Resources for Misophonia
Misphonia Freedom Project — Blog
Kresta Dalrymple & Sara Bidler are not only LMFT - they are dedicated storytellers to inspire hope and healing within the Misophonia community. Please check out their stories and more on their website
The Misphonia Podcast —
Adeel Ahmad is a dynamic leader in the space of ensuring that the experiences of Misophone’s are told. He interviews guests one-on-one about living with this condition and the authentic way of showing up.
“Sounds Like Misophonia - How to stop small noises from causing extreme reactions”
Book released in 2024 and it’s full of not only coping strategies, but also ideas to help your brain make new associations with sounds, which brings down the intensity of reactions