The Rainbow Warriors
Mindo, Ecudor - Choco Andino Cloud Forest
The Warrior Sanctuary is holding a vibration of love and awareness - along with many other thousands, millions of people on earth. We believe that the interconnectedness of people and the role of community healing as an individual and collective is what will help contribute to the evolution of the world. It’s an amazing journey to continually meet brilliant people who have dove into their purpose and offer their gifts of service for humanity -it’s not a light task. The Rainbow Warriors was prophesized long ago - one of those oral histories that just so happened in every culture that was deeply connected to nature, around the world at the same time. A reminder that we are all one, that’s it.
Key Elements of the Rainbow Warriors Prophecy
Tsa'Chila - Manuel & Henry Calazacon
Tsa'Chila Women
Cultural and Spiritual Renewal:
The prophecy foretells a period of significant cultural and spiritual renewal. It envisions people reconnecting with ancient wisdom and practices, which will lead to a deeper understanding and respect for the Earth and all its inhabitants.
Environmental Stewardship:
A core aspect of the Rainbow Warriors' mission is to heal and protect the environment. They are seen as guardians who will fight against ecological destruction and work towards sustainable living practices.
Unity and Diversity:
The Rainbow Warriors are characterized by their unity despite diversity. People from all races and backgrounds are envisioned to come together, recognizing their shared humanity and the interconnectedness of all life.
Fifth World or Fifth Consciousness:
In many interpretations, the prophecy is linked to the concept of entering a new era or consciousness. For the Mayans, this might align with the idea of the Fifth World, an age marked by higher awareness, greater harmony, and an enlightened way of living.
Check out Time of the 6th Sun - they are an education and resource organization that shares EDGE-ucational content. It’s brilliant.
Historical and Cultural Context
Itzhak Beery & Juan Calazacon
Hopi Prophecy: The Hopi people speak of the emergence of the Rainbow Warriors during a time of great need. According to their prophecy, these individuals will bring healing to the Earth and restore balance between nature and humanity.
Cree Prophecy: The Cree prophecy mentions that when the Earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people will come, who will be known as the Warriors of the Rainbow. They will put their faith in actions, not words, to make the Earth green again.
Mayan Prophecy: The Mayan tradition speaks of cycles of time and consciousness. The transition to the Fifth World is seen as a shift towards a higher state of consciousness and a more profound connection to the cosmos and Earth.
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Modern Interpretations and Movements
Juan Calazacon of the Tsa'Chila de los Colorados
Present day- the concept of the Rainbow Warriors has been embraced by various environmental and spiritual movements. It resonates with those who seek to create a more sustainable, equitable, and compassionate world. The prophecy serves as a source of inspiration, urging individuals to take action towards positive change and environmental stewardship. In Ecuador, a place known for their biodiversity (The Galapagos, Amazon, Andes Mountains, Volcanos and more) and politically active indigenous council - we run into fellow Rainbow Warriors often. We are invested in living a life of purpose, service and tapping into the inner wisdom that allows healing for all.