In loving Awareness

A contemplation from the Circle

In all loving awareness, I have found a deeper sense of self and who I am as a man, a son, a husband and above all, a human being connected in spirit to all around me. Prior to my first experience and journey, I was guarded and leaned on logical reasoning for things to make sense. As a typical Wall Street professional, I’ve been groomed to lead a binary lifestyle of do’s and don’ts in order to progress and achieve pre-defined milestones. All the while, losing my inner-self in the process and diverting endless energy into attaining levels of accomplishments set forth by external factors beyond my control. I’ve gone on for decades losing touch with who I am and what matters most in life, not knowing that I required healing on various levels. In some ways, I've succumbed to the stressors that have kept me further away from understanding my true passion.

With the personal “work” I’ve done at the Warrior Sanctuary, I’ve been able to re-discover my true self. It’s nothing short of magical when you are open to the possibilities and realize that your true potential still exists within. It can be buried deep, through years of unresolved trauma from the death of a loved one, unrealistic expectations set by family/peers, or just feeling left behind in a constantly changing environment. Through these journeys, The Warrior Sanctuary has helped guide me to breathe and “just be”. The experience has unraveled some of my own personal struggles, and I’ve discovered ways to integrate love, empathy and connection with others in my everyday interactions. I realized that understanding myself was the only way to resolve my aggression in the superficial rat-race of my profession, as well as, improve my personal relationships with family and friends. Being in the Sanctuary, in and of itself, you find a sense of belonging and connection with all those around you. You take this energy with you as you integrate back into your day-to-day, and become better because of it. If I can best describe it, it is 'therapy of the heart to bring back the innocence lost' and we all know we can use some of that. Who better than yourself to guide you along that path? The Warrior Sanctuary can help you get there. 

With infinite gratitude we appreciate being on this journey with you brother.


Be Present, Be in the Moment